Welcome to the Fulfillment of Great Commission Ministries website in Jesus name. This is a Global evangelical ministry, with founding president Pastor Esther Akinladenu. She travels with her ministerial group, to every nation to preach the gospel since 2006 as Mark 16:15 says "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature". Two churches were built so far for worship and fellowship availability in Nigeria (West Africa) for new converts. Many churches were established for growth and spiritual upliftment of the new converts in various sites across the places visited including Universities, Colleges, villages, and cities.

People testified to spiritual upliftment through the conferences (Women, Ministers Conference, Youth, Marriage and Singles Seminars and etc). Some of the countries, states, and places this ministry has gone to minister and make disciples of Jesus Christ includes: Jamaica, Nigeria (West Africa), Several states in USA, Malawi (South East Africa) etc. Our most recent missionary journey was to MALAWI ( South East Africa) October/ Nov 2017. "We can confirm that truly the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few ..." There are so many testimonies from the evangelical ministrations and conferences: SALVATION, HOLY GHOST BAPTISM, HEALING, DELIVERANCE, MIRACLES, SPIRITUAL UPLIFTMENT, SIGNS & WONDERS.

There are some pictures and few videos from recent missionary trips including trip to Malawi on this website, just click "Gallery" link and Youtube link here on this website. By Gods grace we were able to give the Church in Malawi chairs to sit on (as majority sat on the ground during services), food, clothing, Bible and other basic needs. Teachings, Women's conference, minister's conference, job training and more were also conducted by Pastor Esther. To help us continue going to all Nations preaching the Gospel, touching lives, build orphanages for the orphans, feed the hunger, clothe the naked, establish career opportunities, and take care of the widows, please make your generous donations to this life changing 501c3 non-profit evangelical ministry. Make your donations by clicking DONATE on this website OR Make Check payable to The Great Commission Fulfillment Ministries
P.O Box 1691 Wylie, TX 75098. All donations are tax deductible. If you will like to partner with this soul winning and life changing team or go with us on Missionary evangelical trips contact us
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Learn more about this ministry and get updates at: greatcommissiongospel.org
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God bless you.


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2018 Mission Trips

Our next missionary journey is January 2018 to Kenya (East Africa) partner with us and sow unto this fertile land to bring positive change into people’s life. Send us with your substance. Your money can reach where you cannot reach. This requires haste as we are expecting the coming of Jesus anytime. "Whoever has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his good deed." Proverbs 19:17